Kat­rina Wood

Founder and CEO of MediaXchange (UK)

As Chief Exec­ut­ive Officer and Founder of Medi­aX­change Ltd. for 30 years Kat­rina built the com­pany and laid the found­a­tions of our glob­al net­work of pro­fes­sion­als work­ing in TV and film drama and, increas­ingly, games enter­tain­ment.     

Kat­rina pion­eered pro­grammes tailored for the interests of indi­vidu­al film and media pro­fes­sion­als and was co-Founder of Women in Film UK (now called Women in Film and TV), the lead­ing mem­ber­ship organ­isa­tion for women work­ing in media, of which she remains an hon­or­ary lifelong mem­ber.