
Join Us for TWO Exclus­ive Talk to a Seri­al Eye Ses­sions in 2025 

We’re thrilled to kick off the new year with two excit­ing ses­sions of TALK TO A SERI­AL EYE! This online talk format brings you con­ver­sa­tions with our accom­plished alumni (by now suc­cess­ful industry mem­bers) and some of our incred­ible teach­ers of the Seri­al Eyes Fac­ulty, both hos­ted by our Head of Stud­ies Kat­rin Merkel. Don’t miss these oppor­tun­it­ies to learn, engage, and be inspired by the exper­i­ences of our excep­tion­al speak­ers. Mark your cal­en­dars and secure your spot now!

Ses­sion 2: Adapt­ing IPs and Cre­at­ing Max­ton Hall
Date: Tues­day, Feb­ru­ary 25, 2025
Time: 5:00 PM (CET)
Dur­a­tion: 50 minute talk, fol­lowed by 10-minute Q&A
Mar­lene Mel­chi­or, Seri­al Eyes Alumna Sea­son 7 (class 2019), Writer for MAX­TON HALL
Ben Har­ris: Seri­al Eyes core tutor, Writer & Pro­du­cer
What to expect:
- Adapt­ing the Nov­el: Explore the chal­lenges and cre­at­ive approaches Mar­lene and the team took in adapt­ing the ori­gin­al nov­el IP for the screen, bal­an­cing faith­ful­ness to the source mater­i­al with the demands of main­stream tele­vi­sion storytelling.
- Romantic Ten­sion: How Marlene´s expert­ise in craft­ing romance-driv­en nar­rat­ives ensured that the key ele­ments of Max­ton Hall were effect­ively trans­lated from page to screen.
- Women in Writ­ing: Insights into the unique dynam­ics of work­ing with a pre­dom­in­antly female writ­ing and exec­ut­ive team
- Work­flow and Struc­ture: A behind-the-scenes look at the writ­ing pro­cess she was part of, includ­ing the cre­ation of beat boards
This ses­sion is a must-attend for any­one curi­ous about adapt­ing exist­ing mater­i­al into a world­wide hit series or learn­ing about IP-driv­en storytelling. Gain valu­able know­ledge from two exper­i­enced industry experts who know how to make stor­ies res­on­ate.
Register for this Ses­sion HERE
Ses­sion 3: KRANK Ber­lin – From ER to TV
Date: Tues­day, April 1, 2025
Time: 5:00 PM (CET)
Dur­a­tion: 50 minute talk, fol­lowed by 10-minute Q&A
Samuel Jef­fer­son, Seri­al Eyes Alum­nus from Sea­son 5 (class 2018), Cre­at­or of the Series KRANK Ber­lin
What to expect:
- Sam´ remark­able jour­ney from emer­gency doc­tor to series cre­at­or.
- The inspir­a­tion and pro­cess behind devel­op­ing KRANK.
- Insights into cross-cul­tur­al col­lab­or­a­tion: work­ing as an Eng­lish-speak­ing cre­at­or on a Ger­man series.

Register for this ses­sion HERE
All ses­sions are free of charge but require regis­tra­tion to attend. We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you to Talk to a Seri­al Eye and diving into these fas­cin­at­ing con­ver­sa­tions togeth­er.