Fab­riz­io Costantini


Fab­riz­io Cost­antini (1994) is from Rome, Italy, in 2015 he gradu­ates in screen­writ­ing at the New York Film Academy. He gains exper­i­ence as a juni­or edit­or at Indi­ana Pro­duc­tion and as a mem­ber of Pub­lis­pei Srl writ­ing room. In 2019 he par­takes in Rai’s mas­ter of tele­vi­sion screen­writ­ing and later on devel­ops tv pro­jects with Fab­ula Pic­tures and Pegas­us. At the same time he works as a screen­writ­ing instruct­or for the Uni­ver­sity Luiss Guido Carli where, togeth­er with a team, he selec­ted the best tv epis­ode spec scripts that came from stu­dents in high-schools all across Italy. Sub­sequently Min­erva Pic­tures optioned the pro­ject and formed the col­lect­ive “schegge” and the team of screen­writers cooper­ated with a team of dir­ect­ors to write the series bible.