Jeppe Gjer­vig Gram

Showrunner (Denmark)

Jeppe Gjer­vig Gram was born 1976 in Odense, Den­mark. After gradu­at­ing from uni­ver­sity, he worked as a drama series con­sult­ant for the Dan­ish net­work TV 2 for six years, deal­ing with acquis­i­tion of inter­na­tion­al series as well as com­mis­sion­ing ori­gin­al Dan­ish series, before enrolling in the screen­writ­ing pro­gramme at the Nation­al Dan­ish Film School. While still in film school, Gram was head-hunted by pub­lic broad­caster DR and employed as a reg­u­lar epis­ode writer on the one-hour drama series »Som­mer« (2008–2009).
Fresh out of »Som­mer«, Jeppe Gjer­vig Gram teamed up with head writer Adam Price and fel­low film school alum­nus Tobi­as Lind­holm for the three-per­son writers’ room that cre­ated the first Dan­ish polit­ic­al drama series »Bor­gen«. »Bor­gen« was a huge hit both loc­ally and abroad, win­ning sev­er­al pres­ti­gi­ous tele­vi­sion awards, among oth­ers the Prix Italia, the FIPA d’OR, and the BAF­TA for best for­eign series. Apart from co-cre­at­ing »Bor­gen«, Jeppe Gjer­vig Gram wrote almost half of all the show’s epis­odes of the ori­gin­al 3 seasons.
After »Bor­gen«, Jeppe Gjer­vig Gram cre­ated and was the showrun­ner of »Fol­low the Money«, anoth­er mul­tiple Award-win­ning drama series for DR, this time about fin­ance and cor­por­ate crime. In 2019, the show ended on a peak after 3 sea­sons, with the final sea­son a great suc­cess with the view­ers and lauded by the press as a new height for the series. Since 2022, Jeppe Gjer­vig Gram acts as Head of Pro­gramme for the newly-foun­ded »European Showrun­ner Pro­gramme« at ifs inter­na­tionale filmschule köln in Cologne, Ger­many. Here, his focus is advan­cing, dis­cuss­ing and defin­ing the writer-driv­en showrun­ner mod­el in Europe.ram teamed up with head­writer Adam Price and fel­low film school alumni Tobi­as Lind­holm to cre­ate the three man strong writer’s room, that cre­ated the first Dan­ish polit­ic­al drama series ‘Bor­gen’.

‘Bor­gen’ was a hit both loc­ally and abroad, win­ning sev­er­al pres­ti­gi­ous tele­vi­sion awards, among oth­ers the Prix Italia, the FIPA d’OR, and the BAF­TA for best for­eign series, and when anoth­er 10 epis­odes of the series was com­mis­sioned by DR, Adam Price and Jeppe Gjer­vig Gram con­tin­ued their fruit­ful collaboration

Cur­rently Jeppe Gjer­vig Gram is devel­op­ing a new show for DR, which will be his debut as a show-run­ner, called ‘Fol­low the Money’ – a drama series in 20 epis­odes about cor­por­ate crime for the same coveted Sunday night timeslot that formerly was the home of ‘The Killing’ and ‘Bor­gen’.