
Seri­al Eyes was the first and remains the most intens­ive inter­na­tion­al train­ing pro­gram for tele­vi­sion writers in Europe. It is hos­ted by the DFFB, one of Germany’s lead­ing film schools, and it takes place in Ber­lin, one of Europe’s most dynam­ic cities.

At its core, Seri­al Eyes is not just about cre­at­ing an ori­gin­al TV drama series—it’s about much more. It’s about gain­ing a deep under­stand­ing of the dynam­ics and effect­ive­ness of the writers’ room mod­el, and devel­op­ing the skills to col­lab­or­ate pro­duct­ively. It’s about build­ing a net­work that’s not only cre­at­ively enrich­ing but also pro­fes­sion­ally valu­able, and fos­ter­ing a shared lan­guage. In prac­tic­al terms, it’s about cre­at­ing dir­ect con­nec­tions to the industry.

Seri­al Eyes is fun­ded with the sup­port from Cre­at­ive Europe – Media Pro­gramme of the European Uni­on and Medi­en­board Ber­lin-Branden­burg. We receive addi­tion­al sup­port from our industry partners.