
It is of course the people who make Seri­al Eyes spe­cial. It is the excep­tion­ally ambi­tious par­ti­cipants from all over Europe who take on the chal­lenges of a 9‑month full-time pro­gramme, it is the teach­ers, tutors and industry pro­fes­sion­als who are will­ing to share their know­ledge and contacts.


The fac­ulty of Seri­al Eyes is made up of industry lead­ing writers, pro­du­cers and oth­er key fig­ures in the TV industry. 

The DFFB’s rich net­work of industry con­tacts has enabled SERI­AL EYES to secure highly respec­ted scriptwriters, pro­du­cers, dir­ect­ors and com­mis­sion­ing edit­ors as instruct­ors and guest lec­tur­ers. Top US and European showrun­ners are invited to lead work­shops draw­ing on their par­tic­u­lar expert­ise, while mas­ter classes and hands-on mod­ules con­cen­trate on the scriptwrit­ing pro­cess and oth­er vital aspects of seri­al pro­duc­tion – always with a prac­tic­al focus.



Every year Seri­al Eyes takes 12 inter­na­tion­al writers into the 9 month pro­gramme. Lets take a look at the par­ti­cipants who make up Sea­son 11



Now in its 11th Year, Seri­al Eyes has over 100 Alumni suc­cess­fuly gradu­ated and work­ing with­in the Industry.
