
Seri­al Eyes has been developed with the sup­port of a team of exper­i­enced TV cre­at­ors, pro­du­cers and broad­casters from across Europe. We value and pre­serve these roots.

We put an extraordin­ary amount of effort into con­stantly improv­ing the pro­gramme and adapt­ing it to the needs of the mar­ket – with the extremely valu­able feed­back and input of our industry part­ners. In this respect, they con­trib­ute sig­ni­fic­antly to the high stand­ard of our cur­riculum, which aims to optim­ally pre­pare par­ti­cipants for the demands of the market.


Seri­al Eyes is fun­ded with the sup­port of Cre­at­ive Europe Media, Medi­en­board Ber­lin Branden­burg, aud­ible, Con­stantin Tele­vi­sion, The Walt Dis­ney Com­pany Ger­many, sky, Atlantique, Dynam­ic Tele­vi­sion, Medi­awan stu­dio france, Real Film and Big Light productions. 

Rep­res­ent­at­ives from our industry part­ners serve on our advis­ory board and par­ti­cip­ate as instruct­ors and ment­ors through­out the year.

Seri­al Eyes Alumni Net­work – SEAN 

The Seri­al Eyes Alumni Net­work (SEAN) was cre­ated in 2017 to pro­mote its mem­bers’ shared vis­ion of what makes great TV. SEAN wants to break away with the cliché of the lonely writer by encour­aging its mem­bers to work in teams. SEAN con­nects writers and pro­du­cers through their respect­ive net­works and gives its mem­bers the vis­ib­il­ity they need to start suc­cess­ful col­lab­or­a­tions through a strong pres­ence at all major TV mar­kets and events. The net­work also aims to estab­lish itself as an inter­na­tion­al pool of TV series experts con­trib­ut­ing to con­fer­ences and work­shops across Europe.

To date, SEAN has organ­ized one-on-one meet­ings between its mem­bers and pro­du­cers, exclus­ive work­shops for Seri­al Eyes alumni, ded­ic­ated meet­ings with the industry and net­work­ing drinks.

For more inform­a­tion about SEAN, please vis­it https://​seantv​.net/ or con­tact: sean.​serialeyes@​gmail.​com