

Seri­al Eyes thrives through the sup­port of a seasoned net­work of TV cre­at­ors, pro­du­cers, and broad­casters from across Europe, whose insights and exper­i­ence are the back­bone of our pro­gram. We’re deeply com­mit­ted to these roots and con­tinu­ally refine our cur­riculum to meet industry stand­ards, driv­en by the invalu­able feed­back from our part­ners. This ded­ic­a­tion ensures par­ti­cipants are excep­tion­ally pre­pared for the mar­ket and become integ­rated in a power­ful net­work, that con­nects them dir­ectly with influ­en­tial industry play­ers, solid­i­fy­ing their role in a dynam­ic, pro­fes­sion­al eco­sys­tem. In return, our industry part­ners have exclus­ive access to our talents.


Seri­al Eyes receives fund­ing through the gen­er­ous sup­port of Cre­at­ive Europe Media, Medi­en­board Ber­lin Branden­burg, Aud­ible, and key industry play­ers like Con­stantin Tele­vi­sion, ZDF, The Walt Dis­ney Com­pany Ger­many, Atlantique, Dynam­ic Tele­vi­sion, Medi­awan Stu­dio France, REAL FILM Ber­lin and Big Light Pro­duc­tions. Rep­res­ent­at­ives from these part­ners con­trib­ute act­ively by serving on our advis­ory board and enga­ging as instruct­ors and ment­ors through­out the pro­gram year. We place great emphas­is on fos­ter­ing dynam­ic and dir­ect engage­ment with our industry part­ners. Along with the midterm pitch, where part­ners provide exclus­ive feed­back on pro­jects in a first-look set­ting, this col­lab­or­a­tion extends to work­shops and mas­ter­classes. Some part­ners even open their doors with job oppor­tun­it­ies after the program.


The Seri­al Eyes Alumni Net­work (SEAN), launched in 2017, strengthens our part­ner­ship with the industry by provid­ing an excep­tion­al plat­form that fosters col­lab­or­a­tion. Break­ing the ‘lonely writer’ ste­reo­type, SEAN encour­ages team­work among writers and pro­du­cers, ensur­ing mem­bers gain vis­ib­il­ity and con­nec­tions needed for impact­ful part­ner­ships. Through a pres­ence at major TV mar­kets, SEAN show­cases its mem­bers and serves as an inter­na­tion­al tal­ent pool, con­trib­ut­ing to con­fer­ences, work­shops, and industry events. With exclus­ive work­shops and net­work­ing events, SEAN amp­li­fies career-launch­ing oppor­tun­it­ies across Europe.

Friends of Seri­al Eyes 

Seri­al Eyes is enriched by its col­lab­or­a­tion with numer­ous “Friends” across Europe — pro­duc­tion com­pan­ies, lead­ing European series fest­ivals and tele­vi­sion schools that bring dynam­ic oppor­tun­it­ies to our stu­dents. These part­ner­ships offer fresh per­spect­ives and invalu­able net­work­ing events, help­ing our stu­dents con­nect with industry giants and stay at the fore­front of tele­vi­sion trends. Through these alli­ances, Seri­al Eyes provides an edu­ca­tion­al exper­i­ence that goes bey­ond the classroom, pre­par­ing par­ti­cipants to thrive in an evolving, inter­na­tion­al TV landscape.