

The pro­gram is held full-time at the dffb in Ber­lin-Wed­ding and includes sem­inars, mas­ter­classes, work­shops, and two writers’ room ses­sions. Each par­ti­cipant works on two pro­jects: a com­plete pitch deck (com­pris­ing a pilot script and a series bible) for an indi­vidu­al series and a team-developed pitch deck. Addi­tion­ally, the pro­gram includes study trips to Lon­don and Lille (Séries Mania festival).

Semester Overview 

The fall semester focuses on nar­rat­ive design and storytelling struc­ture in tele­vi­sion series, story con­cep­tion and devel­op­ment, and the fun­da­ment­als of writers’ room pro­tocol and meth­od­o­logy. Par­ti­cipants begin devel­op­ing their indi­vidu­al pro­jects, receiv­ing both the­or­et­ic­al and prac­tic­al guid­ance from a diverse group of tutors and ment­ors. They learn skills and tech­niques to expand their ini­tial ideas into fully real­ized con­cepts and pilot out­lines. Par­ti­cipants also study and prac­tice writers’ room tech­niques and team man­age­ment strategies. They devel­op the abil­ity to col­lab­or­ate effect­ively, handle and provide con­struct­ive feed­back, and gain hands-on exper­i­ence work­ing as part of a team. Dur­ing mul­tiple writers’ room ses­sions, par­ti­cipants learn how to nav­ig­ate the role of a staff writer under the lead­er­ship of a head writer and how to over­see the cre­at­ive pro­cess as a head writer them­selves. The fall semester con­cludes with par­ti­cipants cre­at­ing the story­board for their pilot pro­ject and present­ing at the annu­al Seri­al Eyes Midterm Pitch, where they hone their pitch­ing skills and receive feed­back from our Industry Partners.

The spring semester emphas­izes writ­ing. Par­ti­cipants com­plete at least two drafts of the pilot and a series bible for their indi­vidu­al pro­jects, while also devel­op­ing a second pro­ject pitch col­lab­or­at­ively with their team and in part­ner­ship with Industry Part­ners. Sim­ul­tan­eously, they engage in net­work­ing and build a deep­er under­stand­ing of the European tele­vi­sion mar­ket. They gain fur­ther insights into pro­duc­tion logist­ics, pack­aging, fin­an­cing pro­cesses, career plan­ning, and oppor­tun­it­ies for pro­fes­sion­al growth. The pro­gram con­cludes in May with the Final Pitch, where par­ti­cipants present their indi­vidu­al TV projects.

Mod­ules Overview 


Study trips are an integ­ral part of the Seri­al Eyes pro­gram, designed as group excur­sions organ­ized by the team. These trips provide unique oppor­tun­it­ies to gain hands-on insights into key industry hubs and foster col­lab­or­a­tion with­in the cohort.