

The DFFB’s rich net­work of industry con­tacts has enabled SERI­AL EYES to secure highly respec­ted scriptwriters, pro­du­cers, dir­ect­ors and com­mis­sion­ing edit­ors as instruct­ors and guest lec­tur­ers. Top US and European showrun­ners are invited to lead work­shops draw­ing on their par­tic­u­lar expert­ise, while mas­ter classes and hands-on mod­ules con­cen­trate on the scriptwrit­ing pro­cess and oth­er vital aspects of seri­al pro­duc­tion – always with a prac­tic­al focus.

Spe­cial Guest Speakers 

Paolo Cic­carelli

Paolo Cic­carelli

Inter­na­tion­al Scrip­ted Advisor & Head of Drama, MIA (Italy)

Ver­ena Michl

Ver­ena Michl

Lego Ser­i­ous Play Facil­it­at­or (Ger­many)

Ursula Fisc­her

Ursula Fisc­her

Dir­ect­or for inter­na­tion­al theat­er pro­jects (Ger­many)

Anthony Khaser­ia

Anthony Khaser­ia

Writer (UK)

Adri­an Banyard

Adri­an Banyard

Seni­or Devel­op­ment Pro­du­cer (UK)

Jethro Thompson

Jethro Thompson

Agent, Screen­writer (UK)

Nish Pan­chal

Nish Pan­chal

Agent (UK)

Steve Mat­thews

Steve Mat­thews

Joint Head of Scrip­ted, Cre­at­ive (UK)

Rich­ie Mehta

Rich­ie Mehta

Writer, Dir­ect­or (Canada)

Jenny Robins

Jenny Robins

Head of TV and Film (UK)

Charles Har­ris­on

Charles Har­ris­on

Inter­na­tion­al Scrip­ted Format Pro­du­cer (UK)

Sara Collins

Sara Collins

Nov­el­ist, Screen­writer, Broad­caster (UK)

Sarah-Louise Hawkins

Sarah-Louise Hawkins

Writer (UK)

Alex­an­der Lindh

Alex­an­der Lindh

Writer (Germany/​Finland/​Sweden)

Anna Rohde-Sey­fried

Anna Rohde-Sey­­fried

Beta Film Group, Con­tent Edit­or (Ger­many)

Anna Wing­er

Anna Wing­er

Showrun­ner (USA, Germany) 

Char­lene Putney

Char­lene Putney

Writer, expert

Anna Symon

Anna Symon

Writer (UK)

Daniela Baumgärtl

Daniela Baumgärtl

Writer (Ger­many)

Den­nis Schanz

Den­nis Schanz

Showrun­ner, Pro­du­cer (Ger­many)

Domi­n­ique Jubin

Domi­n­ique Jubin

Pro­du­cer, Stu­di­ocanal Ori­gin­al (France)

Egbert van Wyngaarden

Egbert van Wyngaarden

Writer and Pro­fess­or (Ger­many)

Jan Ben­nemann

Jan Ben­nemann

Cre­at­ive Exec­ut­ive, Net­flix (Ger­many)

Jantje Friese

Jantje Friese

Showrun­ner (Ger­many)

Jeppe Gjer­vig Gram

Jeppe Gjer­vig Gram

Showrun­ner (Den­mark)

John Vorhaus

John Vorhaus

Writer (USA)

Julia Pen­ner

Julia Pen­ner

Writer (Ger­many)

Han­no Hackfort

Han­no Hackfort

Writer, Pro­du­cer (Ger­many)

Karin Hei­secke 

Karin Hei­secke 

Seni­or Advisor (Ger­many)

Kelly Souders

Kelly Souders

Showrunner/​Executive Pro­du­cer (UK)

Klaus Zim­mer­mann

Klaus Zim­mer­mann

Man­aging Part­ner, Dynam­ic Tele­vi­sion (Germany/​ France)

Lucy Rawl­in­son

Lucy Rawl­in­son

Head of Devel­op­ment (UK)

Mar­tin Pilchmair

Mar­tin Pilchmair

Entre­pren­eur, expert

Michaela Sabo

Michaela Sabo

Writer (Slov­akia)

Mor­gan Gendel

Mor­gan Gendel

Writer, Pro­du­cer (US)

Nat­aly Kudiabor

Nat­aly Kudiabor

Producer/​CEO UFA Fic­tion (Ger­many)

Rémi Tereszkiewicz

Rémi Tereszkiewicz

CEO of Betaser­ies (France)

Piod­or Gustafsson

Piod­or Gustafsson

Pro­du­cer TV4 (Sweden)

Sarah Dol­lard

Sarah Dol­lard

Writer (UK)

Richard Kropf

Richard Kropf

Writer, Pro­du­cer (Ger­many)

Stefanie Ren

Stefanie Ren

Writer (Taiwan, Germany)

Markus Walsch

Markus Walsch

Cre­at­ive media professional

Nic­ola Lusuardi

Nic­ola Lusuardi

Writer, Pro­du­cer (Italy)

Susan­nah Grant

Susan­nah Grant

Screen­writer, Dir­ect­or and Pro­du­cer (USA)

Taç Romey

Taç Romey


Tat­jana Samopjan

Tat­jana Samopjan

Cre­at­ive Devel­op­ment Con­sult­ant (Sweden)

Timo Gößler

Timo Gößler

Lec­turer, Dram­at­urge, Author

Toni Weiss

Toni Weiss

Regis­seur, Dre­hbuchautor und Story-Con­sult­ant (Aus­tria)