Jana Burbach

Writer (Germany)

Jana Burbach was born in 1985 in Munich and raised in Bonn, Lon­don, and Ber­lin. In 2007, she com­pleted a BA in Clas­sics and Eng­lish at the Uni­ver­sity of Oxford and in 2011 an MA in Expan­ded Theatre at the Bern Uni­ver­sity of the Arts. In theatre, she has worked as an assist­ant dir­ect­or, dir­ect­or, writer and dram­at­urg. Since 2013, she has focused entirely on writ­ing for the screen, par­tic­u­larly on series. From 2013 to 2015, she par­ti­cip­ated first in the Dre­hbuch­werkstatt München, then Seri­al Eyes. Since then, Jana Burbach has been a staff writer for the award-win­ning series BAD BANKS (ZDF, Arte), the head-writer for sea­son 1 of DIE HEI­L­AND (ARD), the co-cre­at­or of JUST PUSH ABUBA (ZDF Quantum) as well as a staff writer for BREAK­ING EVEN (ZDF Neo) and TRIBES OF EUROPA (Net­flix). She is now in post­pro­duc­tion of her show PAR­AL­LEL ME for P+, which she cre­ated and on which she worked both as head­writer and showrunner.


German, English, Spanish

