Anna Symon

Writer (UK)

Anna is a Lon­don based screen­writer. Since gradu­at­ing from the pres­ti­gi­ous 4Screenwriting pro­gramme, Anna´s work has been nom­in­ated for BAF­TA, BIFA and Writer´s Guild awards. Pri­or to her writ­ing career, she worked as producer/​director in cur­rent affaires and doc­u­ment­ar­ies. Anna is cur­rently writ­ing two series she cre­ated for tele­vi­sion. Inspired by the true story of a pro­lif­ic dia­mond thief in 1980s Lon­don, JOAN (ITVX) is a six part return­ing drama series. Star­ring Soph­ie Turn­er, JOAN shoots in May 2023. Symon is also in advanced devel­op­ment on her show HEAT­WAVE for HBO, a six part series about a trans­gress­ive rela­tion­ship, sched­uled to shoot in 2023. Anna is also devel­op­ing series with mul­tiple plat­forms and pro­duc­tion com­pan­ies. Anna´s tele­vi­sion cred­its as lead writer include: THE ESSEX SER­PENT (SEE SAW for Apple TV+, TX 2022), a six part adapt­a­tion of Sarah Perry´s award win­ning nov­el, star­ring Claire Danes and Tom Hid­dle­ston, dir­ec­ted by Clio Barn­ard. DEEP WATER (ITV/​Kudos, TX 2019) a six part rela­tion­ship thrill­er, adap­ted from best-selling nov­els by Paula Daily, star­ring Anna Fri­el, Sinead Keen­an and Ros­alind Eleaz­ar. MRS. WILSON (BBC One / Snowed In, TX 2018) a three part mini-series based on a true star­ring Ruth Wilson. The show was nom­in­ated for three BAF­TAs includ­ing Best Mini-Series, and a WGGB Screen­play Award for Best Short Form Drama. Anna is rep­res­en­ted by Tan­ya Tillett at The Agency and Lucinda Moor­head at UTA.