
Life @ SE 

Seri­al Eyes offers an immers­ive, full-time pro­gram from Septem­ber to May at the Deutsche Film- und Fernse­hakademie Ber­lin (DFFB), fos­ter­ing intense col­lab­or­a­tion and cre­at­ive growth. Par­ti­cipants bene­fit from the Ger­man cap­it­al’s dynam­ic media scene, the DFF­B’s resources, and access to dis­counts and cul­tur­al events. The boot­camp exper­i­ence emphas­izes hands-on learn­ing in writers’ rooms, and the strong cohort bonds often lead to long-term pro­fes­sion­al col­lab­or­a­tions, with many gradu­ates choos­ing to stay in Ber­lin after the pro­gram ends.

Watch our SE#11 Alumni talk about their experiences. 

Kate Rosow 

Nic­olas Chevaillier 

Ioana Cheptea 


Seri­al Eyes is hos­ted by the DFFB, one of the most prom­in­ent film schools in Europe. As part of Seri­al Eyes, par­ti­cipants bene­fit from DFFB’s vibrant, resource­ful envir­on­ment, with ded­ic­ated spaces and pro­duc­tion equip­ment avail­able on-site. They have access to stud­i­er­enden­WERK BER­LIN amen­it­ies, includ­ing afford­able meals in the Mensa, coun­sel­ing ser­vices, and career info ses­sions. Stu­dent status addi­tion­ally opens doors to dis­counts for cul­tur­al events across Ber­lin, and the Deutsch­landtick­et provides access­ible travel options for explor­ing Germany.


Seri­al Eyes offers an intens­ive, boot­camp-style series writ­ing pro­gram based in Ber­lin at the (DFFB). This immers­ive, in-per­son exper­i­ence brings togeth­er par­ti­cipants and industry experts in a fast-paced envir­on­ment that encour­ages rap­id learn­ing and collaboration—ideal for series cre­at­ors aim­ing to mas­ter the intric­a­cies of writers’ rooms and industry-driv­en feed­back. Each week includes a mix of classes and focused writ­ing days, typ­ic­ally from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, though occa­sion­al online or week­end ses­sions may arise to adapt to guest tutor schedules.


At Seri­al Eyes, being togeth­er in the writers’ room every day, shar­ing ideas, and col­lab­or­at­ing sparks true cre­at­ive syn­ergy. Each sea­son, we care­fully select par­ti­cipants to build a strong, col­lab­or­at­ive cohort. The par­ti­cipants spend almost every day togeth­er, for eight months – This amount of time helps them not only refine their own writ­ing skills, but also learn from each other´s cre­at­ive skills and insights. These intense inter­ac­tions often lead to long-last­ing rela­tion­ships, fos­ter­ing pro­fes­sion­al col­lab­or­a­tions that extend far bey­ond the pro­gram. Many of these con­nec­tions evolve into cre­at­ive part­ner­ships, con­tinu­ing to thrive in the industry for years after the pro­gram concludes.

It’s kind of logic­al that the Seri­al Eyes com­munity is the largest in Ber­lin. There are reg­u­lar events and exchange oppor­tun­it­ies – some of them organ­ized by the alumni net­work SEAN. But small Seri­al Eyes clusters can now also be found in oth­er European cit­ies such as Lon­don, Rome or Par­is. But it’s not only cent­ral and east­ern Europe, you can find Seri­al Eyes fel­lows all over the world in more than 30 coun­tries, from Brazil over Africa to India.


Ber­lin is the vibrant heart of Ger­many’s cul­tur­al and cre­at­ive indus­tries, offer­ing Seri­al Eyes par­ti­cipants an inspir­ing net­work and pro­fes­sion­al oppor­tun­it­ies in TV writ­ing and pro­duc­tion. As a hub for media innov­a­tion, Ber­lin attracts writers, pro­du­cers, and storytellers world­wide, mak­ing it an ideal place to grow pro­fes­sion­ally. Every year, some of the Seri­al Eyes gradu­ates choose to stay in Ber­lin after com­plet­ing the pro­gram, drawn by its dynam­ic industry land­scape and lifestyle.