Serial eyes plus

Why the “PLUS”?
SERIAL EYES PLUS represents our dynamic side projects that go beyond the core Serial Eyes program. These initiatives, ranging from workshops to online series, highlight our commitment to cutting-edge industry education and staying ahead of storytelling trends.
Talk to a Serial Eye
This (ongoing) online series hosted by Katrin Merkel (Serial Eyes Head of Studies) highlights the work of our successful alumni and industry experts. Each session explores the impact of the Serial Eyes education on writers’ room methods, personal strategies, and collaboration techniques essential for successful TV writing in Europe. Click here to watch the recordings.
Short Form Series ´24
In spring 2024, the second edition of Digital Short Form Series empowered six emerging screenwriters from BiPOC and LGBTIAQ* communities to create impactful short-form content. Click here to learn more about its participants and teachers.
Short Form Series ´23
In spring-summer 2023, this groundbreaking workshop focused on digital short-form series brought together six German-speaking participants. Click here to learn more about its participants and teachers.