
Seri­al eyes plus

Why the “PLUS”?

SERI­AL EYES PLUS rep­res­ents our dynam­ic side pro­jects that go bey­ond the core Seri­al Eyes pro­gram. These ini­ti­at­ives, ran­ging from work­shops to online series, high­light our com­mit­ment to cut­ting-edge industry edu­ca­tion and stay­ing ahead of storytelling trends.

Talk to a Seri­al Eye 

This (ongo­ing) online series hos­ted by Kat­rin Merkel (Seri­al Eyes Head of Stud­ies) high­lights the work of our suc­cess­ful alumni and industry experts. Each ses­sion explores the impact of the Seri­al Eyes edu­ca­tion on writers’ room meth­ods, per­son­al strategies, and col­lab­or­a­tion tech­niques essen­tial for suc­cess­ful TV writ­ing in Europe. Click here to watch the recordings.

Short Form Series ´24

In spring 2024, the second edi­tion of Digit­al Short Form Series empowered six emer­ging screen­writers from BiPOC and LGB­TIAQ* com­munit­ies to cre­ate impact­ful short-form con­tent. Click here to learn more about its par­ti­cipants and teachers.

Short Form Series ´23

In spring-sum­mer 2023, this ground­break­ing work­shop focused on digit­al short-form series brought togeth­er six Ger­man-speak­ing par­ti­cipants. Click here to learn more about its par­ti­cipants and teachers.