Selina Ukwuoma

Writer (UK)

Selina Ukwuoma is a freel­ance script con­sult­ant who began her career at lit­er­ary agency Curtis Brown work­ing on theatre, film and tele­vi­sion pro­jects includ­ing 2008 BAF­TA win­ner Boy A. She has since gone on to advise on award-win­ning indies such as 2014 Teddy win­ner The Way He Looks and 2018 Goy­as tri­umph Sum­mer 1993. As well as con­sult­ing for pro­duc­tion com­pan­ies and design­ing and run­ning devel­op­ment ini­ti­at­ives such as Real­ness Screen­writers’ Res­id­ency and Authen­ticA Series Lab, Selina has taught screen­writ­ing at the UK’s Nation­al Film and Tele­vi­sion School and reg­u­larly ment­ors and leads work­shops at fest­ivals, includ­ing Ber­linale Tal­ents Script Sta­tion and Series Mania as well as Torino Film Lab. Pri­or to her career in the film industry, Selina trav­elled, taught Eng­lish, and com­pleted degrees in screen­writ­ing, pro­fes­sion­al writ­ing, and social anthro­po­logy. She has vari­ous interests and is always keen to learn some­thing new.