
Susan­nah Grant

Screenwriter, Director and Producer (USA)

Susan­nah Grant worked from 1994 to 1997 on tele­vi­sion as the pro­du­cer and major writer of the Fox drama series PARTY OF FIVE. She wrote the screen­plays for EVER AFTER, ERIN BROCK­OVICH, dir­ec­ted by Steven Soder­bergh, 28 DAYS and Disney´s POCAHONTAS. For ERIN BROCK­OVICH she received an Oscar nom­in­a­tion in 2001.

After her Academy Award nom­in­a­tion, Grant adap­ted IN HER SHOES and CHARLOTTE´S WEB for the screen and wrote and dir­ec­ted CATCH AND RELEASE, star­ring Jen­nifer Garner and Timothy Oly­phant. She is also a Miss Porter´s School alumna as well as an Amh­erst Col­lege alumna, hav­ing gradu­ated in 1984. She later was accep­ted to the Amer­ic­an Film Insti­tute and received the Nich­oll Fel­low­ship in screen­writ­ing. Grant was fea­tured in THE DIALOGUE. 

Grant cre­ated and pro­duced the CBS series A GIF­TED MAN in 2011. She received the Valentine Design Award in 2011. In Septem­ber 2013, Grant delivered a screen­writ­ing lec­ture as part of the BAF­TA and BFI Screen­writers’ Lec­ture Series. In 2014, Grant cre­ated the ABC drama series MEM­BERS ONLY for the 2014–15 Amer­ic­an tele­vi­sion season. 

In 2019, Grant co-cre­ated, wrote and dir­ec­ted the Net­flix min­iser­ies UNBE­LIV­ABLE, star­ring Kaitlyn Dever and Toni Col­lette, adap­ted from real events.