Toni Weiss

Regisseur, Drehbuchautor und Story-Consultant (Austria)

Toni Weiss is a live action & anim­a­tion dir­ect­or, screen­writer and story con­sult­ant with a career of more than 30 years. He has dir­ec­ted fea­ture films, tv- and web series, doc­u­ment­ar­ies, short films, and hun­dreds of music videos and com­mer­cials, win­ning numer­ous awards.
As a story expert, his con­sult­ing cli­ents range from inter­na­tion­al brands to enter­tain­ment pro­jects to games, nov­els and apps. He has worked for cli­ents as diverse as the Walt Dis­ney Com­pany, Stu­dio Babels­berg, Arx Anima, Vienna Tour­ism Board, SKY Ger­many. As a lec­turer and speak­er, he has taught at DFFB, Seri­en­camp Cologne, TU Wien, True Max Copen­ha­gen, SAE Vienna, Filmschule Vienna, Illusk­ills, Advert­ising Sum­mit Vienna, Digit­al Future Circle, Con­tent World Ham­burg, and Pixel Fest­iv­al Vienna. As a film­maker, Toni is cur­rently focused on fea­ture film, both live action and anim­a­tion. He spe­cial­ises in genre pro­jects and os known for his com­mand of film­mak­ing craft, espe­cially visu­al effects and action. He has dir­ec­ted 2nd Unit on Oscar win­ner Stefan Ruzowitzky’s first US fea­ture film ALL THE QUEEN´S MEN. His CG anim­ated short film YOU GET ME for Walt Dis­ney & Out­fit 7 Games made the film’s soundtrack No. 1 in the kid’s singles charts in the US, Canada and Aus­tralia. His work as Head Of Story for the anim­ated fea­ture film com­edy ROTZ­BUB cata­pul­ted the film to the top spot of the Aus­tri­an box office.