
Alex­an­der Lindh

Writer (Germany/Finland/Sweden)

Alex­an­der Lindh, grew up in Ham­burg and Hel­sinki began his career as a staff writer for Germany‘s most pop­u­lar daily drama series GUTE ZEITEN, SCHLECHTE ZEITEN.

After attend­ing the first „sea­son“ of the Seri­al Eyes pro­gram, Alex­an­der made his mark on Ger­man tele­vi­sion, co-cre­at­ing DRUCK, the Ger­man hit adapt­a­tion of SKAM, as head writer and cre­at­ive pro­du­cer. His first ori­gin­ally cre­ated series MaPa launched in April 2020 to crit­ic­al acclaim, earn­ing a nom­in­a­tion for best Drama Series at the Ger­man Tele­vi­sion Awards. Up next is A BET­TER PLACE, an inter­na­tion­al co-pro­duc­tion for ARD and Canal+ about a town without pris­on, set to air in 2024, which he co-cre­ated with Seri­al Eyes alum­nus Laurent Mercier.