Jo Strevens

Executive Producer (UK)

Jo has been an Exec­ut­ive Pro­du­cer at Car­ni­val Films since 2019, after join­ing the team as Head of Devel­op­ment in 2016.

Pri­or to join­ing Car­ni­val, Jo was at Kudos Pro­duc­tions, where she was Story Pro­du­cer on The Tun­nel and then Head of Development.

Jo trained as a Script Edit­or at the BBC, where she worked on numer­ous shows fol­low­ing a BA (Hons) in Screen­writ­ing at Bournemouth Uni­ver­sity. She went on to be Seni­or Edit­or on ‘The Bill’ before mov­ing into devel­op­ment at Hat Trick Pro­duc­tions, where she developed a raft of pro­jects, includ­ing BBC 1’s Fairytales, ITV’s The Sus­pi­cions of Mr Which­er, and early devel­op­ment of Sky’s Critical.

Pri­or to join­ing Car­ni­val, Jo was at Kudos pro­duc­tions, where she was Story Pro­du­cer on The Tun­nel: Sab­ot­age in 2014 and then Head of Development.