
Mor­gan Gendel

Writer, Producer (US)

Mor­gan Gendel has 30 years’ exper­i­ence in Amer­ic­an TV as a net­work exec­ut­ive, writer, pro­du­cer, and showrun­ner. The Hugo Award win­ner (for »Star Trek: The Next Gen­er­a­tion«) has writ­ten or pro­duced more than 250 epis­odes of tele­vi­sion, for series includ­ing »Law & Order«, »Nash Bridges« and »The 100«, on which he served as Co-Exec­ut­ive Pro­du­cer. He was showrun­ner or Exec­ut­ive Pro­du­cer on »The Dresden Files«, »The New Adven­tures of Spider-Man«, »V.I.P.« and the Life­time TV movie »A Decent Pro­pos­al«. He has cre­ated the cli­mate-themed sci-fi series »Isol­a­tion«, cur­rently in devel­op­ment with Mir­ror­Wa­ter Ent­ar­tain­ment, Ber­lin and Don Car­mody Tele­vi­sion, Toronto. An in-demand script doc­tor, Gendel has in the last two years reima­gined series pro­jects for rights-hold­ers in Italy, U.K., and USA. In Ger­many, he is cred­ited with ini­ti­at­ing a new gen­er­a­tion of Ger­man writers to the col­lab­or­at­ive Writers Room meth­od­o­logy as con­sult­ant to Pro 7 on sev­er­al series, includ­ing »Unschuldig«, which was broad­cast in 2008. A fre­quent guest lec­turer at Seri­al Eyes, ifs, and Fil­makademie, he is also an Adjunct Pro­fess­or of Screen­writ­ing at Old Domin­ion Uni­ver­sity, Vir­gin­ia, where he is cur­rently teach­ing Screen­writ­ing for Cinema II and TV Screen­writ­ing. Out­side of the writ­ing realm, Gendel is founder of Plan­et­ary Shel­ter, a com­pany that is build­ing a pro­to­type for a pat­en­ted pop-up hab­it­at for use in extreme-envir­on­ment zones includ­ing the Moon, Mars and a refugee hot­spots on Earth.