
Jantje Friese

Showrunner (Germany)

Jantje Friese, after gradu­at­ing Uni­ver­sity of Tele­vi­sion and Film Munich (HFF), initially
worked as a pro­du­cer, includ­ing The Silence (2010), the dir­ect­ing debut of Baran bo
Odar. Togeth­er with Baran bo Odar, she wrote the screen­play for Who Am I – No
Sys­tem Is Safe, which was dir­ec­ted by Odar in 2014. In the same year, the thrill­er was
cel­eb­rated at the Inter­na­tion­al Film Fest­iv­al in Toronto and was a crit­ic­al and
com­mer­cial suc­cess in Ger­many, awar­ded with three Ger­man Film Awards and the
Bambi for Best Ger­man Film. After writ­ing and pro­du­cing all three sea­sons of Netflix’s
first Ger­man ori­gin­al series DARK, that won sev­er­al Grimme Awards and keeps
grow­ing a strong fan­base all over the world, Jantje Friese foun­ded the production
com­pany DARK WAYS GmbH togeth­er with Baran bo Odar to pro­duce their second
show 1899 exclus­ively for Net­flix. The mys­ter­i­ous series 1899 was mainly produced
from May to Octo­ber 2021 at DARK BAY Vir­tu­al Pro­duc­tion Stage (sub­si­di­ary of DARK
WAYS) at Stu­dio Babels­berg, one of Europe’s largest, per­man­ently installed LED
stu­di­os for vir­tu­al film pro­duc­tions. The release of 1899 exclus­ively on Net­flix is
planned for the end of 2022.