
Bob Kon­rad

Writer, Producer (Germany)

Bob Kon­rad was born in Heidel­berg in 1968 and stud­ied at the UdK Ber­lin. Since 1993 he has writ­ten and dir­ec­ted numer­ous radio plays, radio play series and radio com­edy for pub­lic broad­casters. He found his way to tele­vi­sion in 2000 through an anim­a­tion series. His first fea­ture film Bess­er als Schule fol­lowed. Since then he has worked mainly as a scriptwriter for the children’s tele­vi­sion, crime and drama series.  2012 he teamed up with Han­no Hack­fort and Richard Kropf. Togeth­er they cre­ated and wrote 4 Blocks (TNT), You Are Wanted (Amazon), Para – We Are King (TNT), Funer­al for a Dog (Sky), Kleo (Net­flix). Bob Kon­rad lives and works in Berlin.