
Nat­aly Kudiabor

Producer/CEO UFA Fiction (Germany)

Nat­aly Kudi­abor began her career in 1994 as an edit­or at Medi­en­gruppe RTL. This was fol­lowed by pos­i­tions as an edit­or at RTLZ­WEI and ARD Degeto, as a pro­du­cer of series and seri­als at Zie­g­ler Film and as a pro­du­cer at Grundy UFA.

From 2015 on, Nat­aly Kudi­abor was one of the two man­aging dir­ect­ors of the pro­duc­tion com­pany good friends and led it to suc­cess with­in a few years. In 2017, she secured the remake rights to the Swedish series BONUS FAM­ILIE, which she adap­ted for Ger­man tele­vi­sion and which aired as a mini-series on ARD in 2019. She sub­sequently attrac­ted atten­tion with the com­edy series ARTHURS GESETZ. The mor­bid com­edy about an insur­ance scam gone wrong in the boon­ies aired on TNT in Decem­ber 2018 and on HBO MAX in spring 2021. The series was nom­in­ated for the Ger­man Tele­vi­sion Award as well as the Grimme Award and won the award for Best Inter­na­tion­al Com­edy Series at the Rock­ie Awards in Ban­ff, Canada. Lead act­or Jan-Josef Liefers received the Bav­ari­an Tele­vi­sion Award Year 2019 for his performance.

Nat­aly Kudi­abor joined UFA Fic­tion as a pro­du­cer in May 2019.

The series ALL YOU NEED (ARD Media­thek) and THE MOPES (TNT) suc­cess­fully premiered in spring 2021. The second sea­son of ALL YOU NEED has been avail­able on ARD Media­thek since April 2022. While THE MOPES stars Nora Tschirner as the per­son­i­fied depres­sion who drives a US sing­er-song­writer crazy, ALL YOU NEED fol­lows four gay 30somethings through their big city life.

Fur­ther series for Ger­man TV chan­nels and inter­na­tion­al stream­ing ser­vices are in development.

Nat­aly Kudi­abor is a mem­ber of the European Film Academy and the Inter­na­tion­al Academy of Tele­vi­sion Arts & Sciences.