
Rich­ie Mehta

Writer, Director (Canada)

Mehta cre­ated, wrote, and dir­ec­ted the 8‑part Amazon Prime dra­mat­ic series POACH­ER (2024), a thrill­er that illus­trates the largest wild­life crime invest­ig­a­tion in Indi­an his­tory. The series released in Feb­ru­ary 2024 to great acclaim. Pri­or to that, Mehta wrote and dir­ec­ted the 7‑part Net­flix series DEL­HI CRIME (2019), revolving around the Del­hi Police’s invest­ig­a­tion of the infam­ous gang-rape of a young med­ic­al stu­dent on a bus in 2012. The series won India’s first Inter­na­tion­al Emmy for Best Drama Series, and the Asi­an Academy Award for Best Drama Series and Best Dir­ect­or.
Mehta’s first fea­ture film, Amal (2007), won over 30 inter­na­tion­al awards, was nom­in­ated for 6 Genie awards, includ­ing Best Pic­ture, Dir­ect­or, and Adap­ted Screen­play. He then wrote and dir­ec­ted I’ll Fol­low You Down (2013), a sci-fi drama star­ring Gil­lian Ander­son; and Sid­darth (2013), a Hindi-lan­guage film that
premiered at the Venice Film Fest­iv­al. Siddharth received over 25 Inter­na­tion­al Awards. Mehta then dir­ec­ted the fea­ture doc­u­ment­ary India in a Day (2016), track­ing a day in the life of India, and exec­ut­ive pro­duced by Rid­ley Scott. Mehta also dir­ec­ted an epis­ode of the Apple TV+ antho­logy series EXTRA­POL­A­TIONS (2023), a sci-fi series that explores our cli­mate-changed future.