Timo Gößler

Lecturer, Dramaturge, Author

After his stud­ies at Filmuni­versity Babels­berg Timo worked as a writer for sev­er­al TV shows and sat in Germany’s first prime­time writers’ room for the crime show UNSCHULDIG. As script con­sult­ant he coached many fea­ture films, doc­u­ment­ar­ies and TV series. Timo is a devel­op­ment pro­du­cer at UFA Fic­tion and cur­rently involved in the devel­op­ment of sev­er­al series (e.g. DISKO 76, CHARITE).

Timo is sub­sti­tute pro­fess­or for seri­al storytelling at Filmuni­versity Babels­berg, where he is fur­ther­more head of stud­ies of the “Win­ter­class Seri­al Writ­ing and Pro­du­cing”, a gradu­ate level work­shop pro­gram focus­ing on high-end drama.

Togeth­er with Kat­rin Merkel Timo pub­lished “DER GER­MAN ROOM” in fall 2021, a handbook/​manual about writers’ room struc­tures and meth­ods in the Ger­man TV market.