
Charles Har­ris­on

International Scripted Format Producer (UK)

Charles Har­ris­on is the Inter­na­tion­al Scrip­ted Format Pro­du­cer for BBCS. Work­ing in the Glob­al Enter­tain­ment team, Charles is respons­ible for deliv­er­ing con­sultancy on all the inter­na­tion­al re-ver­sions of BBCS’ scrip­ted formats glob­ally (exclud­ing the USA). 

Charles has a diverse back­ground in the scrip­ted genre, hav­ing worked at the BBC, as an Exec at The Walt Dis­ney Com­pany, and for a host of inde­pend­ent pro­duc­tion com­pan­ies includ­ing Ele­ment Pic­tures and Buc­can­eer Media – where he developed ITV/​Netflix hit drama MAR­CELLA from pitch to screen. Charles has a wealth of exper­i­ence in script devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion: from pro­du­cing and script edit­ing (both prime-time and con­tinu­ing drama series) to con­sultancy in South Africa and Nigeria.