
Sarah Dol­lard

Writer (UK)

Sarah is an Aus­trali­an tele­vi­sion screen­writer, liv­ing and work­ing in the UK. She was a writer and pro­du­cer on the first sea­son of hit series BRIDGER­TON, for which she was Emmy-nom­in­ated. It was named one of The Amer­ic­an Film Institute’s Top TV Shows of 2020, and swiftly became Net­flix’s most-watched ori­gin­al series ever. Dol­lard wrote and cre­ated the Welsh rom­com series LOVE ME, and has writ­ten epis­odes of DOC­TOR WHO, A DIS­COV­ERY OF WITCHES, THE HAL­CY­ON, BEING HUMAN, THE WHITE PRIN­CESS, and BBC spy thrill­er THE GAME. She is cur­rently writ­ing a thrill­er for Net­flix, and adapt­ing Eliza­beth Hand’s award-win­ning Cass Neary nov­els, start­ing with GEN­ER­A­TION LOSS.