
Nish Pan­chal

Agent (UK)

Nish moved from BBC Film to Curtis Brown Group in 2011 to work with Joe Phil­lips and his list of dir­ect­ors and writers. Dur­ing this time, Nish also covered a unique list of con­tem­por­ary nov­el­ists and estates includ­ing Samuel Beck­ett and Daphne du Maurier.

In 2013, Nish began build­ing his own roster of writers, dir­ect­ors and film­makers. His mis­sion was, and still is, to find unique and diverse film­mak­ing tal­ent and enable them to build careers in the UK film and tele­vi­sion industry, and bey­ond. Nish takes a hands-on approach to sup­port and pro­mote his cli­ents and their work, as well as util­ising the wide-ran­ging resources in-house at Curtis Brown – includ­ing a wealth of lit­er­ary mater­i­al, and cast­ing and pro­duc­tion expertise.

Nish also works closely with book agents from Con­ville & Walsh in hand­ling lit­er­ary rights for a num­ber of their con­tem­por­ary, prize-win­ning authors and journ­al­ists. In 2017, Nish com­pleted the Inside Pic­tures course, Europe’s lead­ing film busi­ness train­ing and lead­er­ship devel­op­ment pro­gramme run by the Nation­al Film & Tele­vi­sion School.