
Steve Mat­thews

Joint Head of Scripted, Creative (UK)

Steve Mat­thews is Banijay’s Joint Head of Scrip­ted, Cre­at­ive, where he acts as a key facil­it­at­or in the group’s pro­duc­tion devel­op­ment pro­cess, sup­port­ing in driv­ing co-pro­duc­tion oppor­tun­it­ies across the Nor­dics, Spain and bey­ond, and gen­er­ally build­ing out the busi­ness’ pipeline and cre­at­ive part­ner­ships primar­ily across drama.

Mat­thews joined Ban­i­jay from HBO Europe, where he most recently served as VP, Exec­ut­ive Pro­du­cer, Scrip­ted, hav­ing joined the busi­ness back in 2014. In that post, he partnered with loc­al teams across Cent­ral Europe, Spain and Nor­dics, to spear­head the devel­op­ment of ori­gin­al series and min­iser­ies, as well as inter­na­tion­al adapt­a­tions. There he worked on pro­duc­tions includ­ing PUSTINA, UMBRE, BLINDED BY THE LIGHTS, USPJEH, THE SLEEP­ERS, FOOD­IE LOVE, GÖSTA; and from Banijay’s foot­print spe­cific­ally, 30 COINS (Pokeep­sie), BEFOR­EIGN­ERS (Rubicon), and BEAR­TOWN (Filmlance).