
Eliza­beth Schub Kamir

Writer (France, US)

Emmy® Award nom­in­ated Eliza­beth Schub Kamir is a story edit­or and screen­writer for MAGICAMPERS, a
new, anim­ated Dis­ney Ori­gin­als series for Dis­ney+. Pri­or to this role, she has worked as a writer across genres, for major world­wide broad­cast, stream­ing and pro­duc­tion entit­ies. From 2019–2023, Eliza­beth was a key cre­at­ive advisor, ment­or, and core tutor at Can­neser­ies / Tal­ent Unlim­ited; a Vivendi / Canal+
sponsored screen­writ­ing res­id­ency in Cannes, France. New York born, Par­is based, Elizabeth
gradu­ated from Cor­nell Uni­ver­sity with dual bachelor’s degrees, and she earned an MFA in film from
New York Uni­ver­sity Film School, Tisch School of the Arts.