
Corinne Le Hong

Writer (Germany)

Excel­lent East-West rela­tions between Viet­nam and Ger­many gave birth to Corinne. She grew up between Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzer­land at beau­ti­ful Lake Con­stance. She stud­ied Media Sci­ences and Lin­guist­ics in France and Art in Switzerland.

Corinne then worked as an assist­ant dir­ect­or with i.a. Wim Wenders, Jim Jar­musch, Lars von Tri­er, Tom Tyk­wer and Mar­garethe von Trotta. In 2005 she foun­ded the media trans­la­tion ser­vice Dub­dolls (TONI ERD­MANN, DEUTSCH­LAND 83–89, HOW TO SELL DRUGS ONLINE (FAST). In 2006, her radio play PIPPA premiered at Leipzig Book Fair. Her short movie GRIM­M’S CUCKOO star­ring Devid Striesow and Petra Schmidt-Schaller premiered in Cannes in 2012. Corinne is alumna of M.A. Seri­al Storytelling’s first cohort at ifs. She co-wrote DISCOCALYPSE/​studio+ and co-cre­ated HER­MANN SOX, both prizewin­ning web series. She’s co-cre­at­or of TV series KOLO­NI­AC, award-win­ning web series WORD OF SOX/​flixxo, both fun­ded by Film+Medienstiftung NRW and TV series TIT­COM, fun­ded by City of Mün­ster and selec­ted for Mip­Com Pitch. She wrote and dir­ec­ted short film MASCHIN for BR, fun­ded by BKM (Ger­man Min­istry of the Arts), was staff writer on ZDFneo sit­com START THE FCK UP/S02, co-wrote an epis­ode of SWR-show WAPO BODENSEE and heads the work­shop „Diverse Storytelling in Digit­al Short Form Series” at dffb/​SERIAL EYES.

Cur­rently, Corinne’s two fea­ture film pro­jects MOTH­ER LOVES YOU and THE FEET IN THE FIRE are in dif­fer­ent stages of preparation.