Cyril Tysz

Writer, Story editor, Producer (France/USA)

Born in Par­is, Cyril first stud­ied film­mak­ing at the Sor­bonne, then at UCLA. He then learnt hands-on pro­duc­tion on the sets of Tim Burton’s Edward Scis­sorhands and Laurence Kazdan’s pro­duced film Dizzi­ness. His career in screen­writ­ing and devel­op­ment began at com­pan­ies like Pan­dora, Arte, Canal Plus, Equi­noxe and Tele Images. After a few years as a devel­op­ment exec­ut­ive in Par­is, he decided to spe­cial­ize in inter­na­tion­al pro­jects and returned to UCLA for an MFA in screen­writ­ing and pro­du­cing. After switch­ing from film to tele­vi­sion pro­duc­tion, he began work­ing for Fox Tele­vi­sion, where he was involved in devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of TV shows such as Dharma & GregStark Rav­ing MadTit­us, Life’s too Short, work­ing with the tech­nic­al staff of Buffy, X‑Files, NYPD Blue. 

Back in Par­is, he was in charge of devel­op­ing sev­er­al anim­a­tion series and fea­tures, includ­ing Dragon Hunters. He then became a full-time inde­pend­ent screen­writer, head writer and story edit­or. He has writ­ten, adap­ted for the screen or super­vised the script­ing of over 40 TV I.P.s, includ­ing Marvel’s Fant­ast­ic 4 and Iron ManCasperSpirou & Fanta­s­ioJet GrooveGorm­itiSam­son & NéonInvis­ible ManLe Mar­supil­amiBaskup Tony Park­erThe LinkersTrolls de TroyXiaol­in Chron­icles, Luc Besson’s Arthur & Min­imoys and suc­cess­fully adap­ted the hit series SKAM for France. (Skam France is cur­rently in its 8th sea­son and has gathered hun­dreds of mil­lions of views so far.)

In addi­tion to teach­ing at Seri­al Eyes, Mid­point insti­tute, Sor­bonne, INA, CEEA, Rac­conti, and Cannes Series Cyril has recently co-writ­ten vari­ous epis­odes of series for vari­ous inter­na­tion­al pro­duc­tion com­pan­ies and broad­casters includ­ing France TV, Rai, ZDF, Canal+ and is cur­rently devel­op­ing a Sci-Fi/su­per­nat­ur­al show with Netflix.