
Jan Ben­nemann

Creative Executive, Netflix (Germany)

Jan Ben­nemann joined Net­flix in April 2021 as Man­ager, Loc­al Lan­guage Series, Ger­many. The seasoned TV exec­ut­ive has 20 years of exper­i­ence in the devel­op­ment, fin­an­cing, pro­duc­tion and acquis­i­tion of seri­al­ized TV drama for the Ger­man-speak­ing and the inter­na­tion­al mar­ket. With his team, Ben­nemann is cur­rently real­iz­ing the second sea­son of the suc­cess­ful Ger­man-lan­guage series Bar­bar­i­ans as well as Anna Winger’s Transat­lantic (WT).

Most recently, as SVP Co-Pro­duc­tion & Acquis­i­tion at Dynam­ic Tele­vi­sion, Jan Ben­nemann over­saw co-pro­duc­tions and acquis­i­tions in Europe, as well as the devel­op­ment of ori­gin­al con­tent and the build­ing of an in-house pro­duc­tion unit focused on Ger­many and the Nor­d­ic coun­tries. Pri­or to that, he estab­lished the company’s Ber­lin office, where he ini­ti­ated co-pro­duc­tions with European pro­du­cers, tal­ent and broad­casters. These included the pro­duc­tions Soil, Beneath the Sur­face, The Sum­mer­dahl Murders and Deliv­er Us.