
Malina Nnendi Nwabuonwor

Writer (Austria, Germany)

Malina Nnendi Nwabuon­wor comes from a fam­ily of car­penters and under­takers in rur­al Aus­tria, but soon ven­tured into oth­er realms. She stud­ied screen­writ­ing at the Vienna Film Academy, as well as at the “Centro de Capa­citación Cine­ma­to­gráfica” in Mex­ico City.

Addi­tion­al to her screen­writ­ing work Malina is jury mem­ber at the Vienna Film Fund, Head of Stud­ies at the EPI Media Work­shop series “Bey­ond Ste­reo­types” and foun­ded the Aus­tri­an ini­ti­at­ive for diversity in film called “Gewäch­shaus”.

She is writ­ing series for Net­flix, Amazon and oth­ers as well as fea­ture films for the Ger­man and inter­na­tion­al mar­ket. Her most recent pro­jekts are “Sam – a Sax­on” (Dis­ney+) und “Para – We are King 2” (HBO Max).

She lives in Vienna and Berlin.