
Domi­n­ique Jubin

Producer, Studiocanal Original (France)

Domi­n­ique gradu­ated from French lead­ing movie school LA FEM­IS with a major in Screen­writ­ing. For ten years, she worked as Dir­ect­or of French Drama and Co-Pro­duc­tions at the Canal+ Créa­tion Ori­ginale (Ori­gin­al Pro­gram­ming) Depart­ment, where she played a pivotal role in their series’ development.
In 2016, Domi­n­ique was appoin­ted Exec­ut­ive Cre­at­ive VP of Stu­di­ocanal TV Series. In this pos­i­tion, she has worked closely with Studiocanal’s European pro­duc­tion com­pan­ies to bol­ster its inter­na­tion­al scrip­ted slate by devel­op­ing pro­grams of the highest qual­ity standards.

In 2018 Domi­n­ique was appoin­ted Man­aging Dir­ect­or of Studiocanal’s newly-launched TV pro­duc­tion unit in France STU­DI­OCANAL ORI­GIN­AL. She has pro­duced series like MOUCHE, NAR­VALO and 9 MEUFS.