
Sarah-Louise Hawkins

Writer (UK)

Sarah-Louise is a highly exper­i­enced Brit­ish screen­writer, spe­cial­ising in crime shows that find a large world­wide audi­ence. Her most recent cred­its include WHIT­STABLE PEARL (UK Drama/​Acorn TV), MISS SCAR­LET AND THE DUKE (Mas­ter­piece PBS/​Alibi), THE MAL­LORCA FILES (Amazon Prime/​BBC), LON­DON KILLS (BBC/​Acorn TV) and FATH­ER BROWN (BBC). Past cred­its include epis­odes of acclaimed series such as PLAY­ING THE FIELD (BBC), ALWAYS & EVERY­ONE (ITV), SUS­PECTS (Chan­nel 5) and an ori­gin­al two parter IN THE NAME OF LOVE, also for ITV, amongst many oth­ers. Sarah-Louise’s first exper­i­ence in writ­ing epis­od­ic crime came after being com­mis­sioned on long-run­ning Brit­ish police pro­ced­ur­al THE BILL. She went on to become a lead writer on the show, dur­ing which time it won a BAF­TA, and the Writer­’s Guild of Great Bri­tain Award for Best Con­tinu­ing Drama. She once also took a break from crime drama to work on a show her young son could watch – becom­ing a return­ing writer on CBBC’s THE DUMP­ING GROUND over three series and pick­ing up the Brit­ish Screen­writ­ing Award for Best Children’s Drama along the way. 

She has been a tutor for the Mid­point Institute’s Writers’ Room Pro­gramme 2024, and con­tin­ues to work across sev­er­al cur­rent and upcom­ing dramas.