
Sarah Lin­ton

Head of Development

Sarah is Head of Devel­op­ment at Instinct Pro­duc­tions. She joined the team in Nov 2023 from BBC Stu­di­os where she was Seni­or Devel­op­ment Pro­du­cer, with a slate focussed on scrip­ted com­edy drama. Pri­or to the BBC, Sarah was Devel­op­ment Exec­ut­ive at Kudos Film & Tele­vi­sion and worked on a mix­ture of drama and com­edy includ­ing Two Weeks To Live and Then You Run for Sky, and Deep Water for ITV.

Sarah pre­vi­ously worked as Script Edit­or on the first series of dra­mat­ic thrill­er Killing Eve. Pro­duced by Sid Gentle Films and writ­ten by Fleabag cre­at­or Phoebe Wall­er-Bridge for BBC Amer­ica. Pri­or to Killing Eve, Sarah script edited vari­ous dra­mas includ­ing ITV’s The Hal­cy­on (Left Bank Pic­tures), Sky’s Lucky Man and ITV’s Down­ton Abbey (both Car­ni­val Films).

Sarah has also con­sul­ted for ABC as their UK Com­edy and Drama Scout, where her focus was on identi­fy­ing and track­ing excit­ing new writ­ing and dir­ect­ing talent.

Sarah pre­vi­ously worked in-house at Car­ni­val Films and NBC Uni­ver­sal. Dur­ing her time at Car­ni­val Sarah worked across the devel­op­ment slate and vari­ous pro­duc­tions includ­ing Down­ton Abbey, The Wor­rick­er Tri­logy, Drac­ula and Whitechapel.