Bar­bara Kronenberg


Bar­bara star­ted her career as a soft­ware developer, holds a BA in Media Pro­duc­tion and a screen­writ­ing and dir­ect­ing dip­loma from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. Bar­bara has writ­ten, dir­ec­ted and pro­duced sev­er­al shorts, which were screened inter­na­tion­ally and received mul­tiple awards and nom­in­a­tions. Besides series, she is cur­rently devel­op­ing a fam­ily enter­tain­ment com­edy for cinema.

Recent Credits:

  • Mission Ulja Funk, feature film, IGC Films, Germany (in production)
  • Me, Myself and Who?, creator (in development)
  • Else's Calling, co-creator (in development)


German, English
