Cyril Dey­di­er


Cyril is a scriptwriter and nov­el­ist based in Par­is. He stud­ied in Canada, Hol­land, Ger­many and Ire­land before com­plet­ing a script writ­ing Master’s degree in Par­is. Cyril has pub­lished sev­er­al books for young adults and has writ­ten for the anim­a­tion sec­tor (as a screen­writer and a story edit­or). He is also devel­op­ing ori­gin­al anim­ated TV con­cepts and has co-writ­ten a fea­ture film and an opera lib­retto that will Premiere at the Phil­har­monie de Par­is in May 2020. He is cur­rently head-writer for an anim­a­tion show for France Tele­vi­sion and Rai, and devel­ops two indi­vidu­al pro­jects (a 6 x 52′ and a 26 x 26′ series) with European producers.

Recent Credits:

Mumfie, head writer, Zodiak, Banijay


French, English, Spanish
