Daniel Hend­ler


Daniel Hend­ler is an Amer­ic­an writer/​producer based between Vienna and Lon­don. He co-cre­ated and exec­ut­ive pro­duced TRANSAT­LANTIC for Net­flix. Pri­or to that, he served as a writer/​story edit­or on the Emmy-win­ning mini-series UNORTHO­DOX, and writ­ten on series that span the genre spec­trum from groun­ded drama to black com­edy to a Ger­man-lan­guage ‘sad­com’.

Since gradu­at­ing from Seri­al Eyes, Daniel has developed films & series in the US, UK, Ger­many, France and Aus­tria. Before cross­ing the pond, he ran fea­ture film devel­op­ment at Ben­aroya Pic­tures in Los Angeles, pro­du­cing the Academy Award-nom­in­ee MAR­GIN CALL.

Upcom­ing pro­jects include a his­tor­ic­al epic series for Sun­Drag­on Films (Jack Strong), a leg­al pro­ced­ur­al for Sid Gentle Films (Killing Eve), and a black comedy/​drama for James Norton’s Rab­bit Track Pictures.

Recent Credits:

  • MaPa, Writer, Readymade Films, Beta Film, Joyn, Germany
  • Unorthodox, Writer/Producer, Real Film Berlin, Studio Airlift, Netflix
  • Children of Mars, writer and developer, ZDF/Magenta


English, Spanish, German


tarmstrong@theagency.co.uk ab@agentur-scenario.de