
Emily Rhodes

United Kingdom

Emily is delighted to be par­ti­cip­at­ing in the 2024 NET­FLIX Incub­at­or scheme with her his­tor­ic­al TV movie, Lola. Co-writ­ten with Lara Bar­bi­er, Lola was chosen as one of six projects.

Cur­rently Mar­gate-based, Emily is writ­ing an AUD­IBLE com­mis­sion, fam­ily drama NEXT OF KIN. She is also devel­op­ing a med­ic­al pre­cinct com­edy drama and a leg­al thrill­er for Neue Super, and a rom-com series for Weidemann & Berg.

In 2016, Emily star­ted writ­ing whilst work­ing as Writer’s Assist­ant to Jez But­ter­worth on BRIT­AN­NIA, S1.

In 2020, after fin­ish­ing Seri­al Eyes at Ber­lin Film School (DFFB), two years as a Devel­op­ment Exec­ut­ive for Bav­aria Fic­tion and twelve years of industry exper­i­ence over­all – Emily began writ­ing full​-time​.By 2021, Emily was com­mis­sioned to co-write a YA fantasy romance TV movie for NET­FLIX. Later, Emily penned a three-part AUD­IBLE spin-off series for AMAZON US action-thrill­er, CITADEL.

Emily fin­ished a part-time MA in Writ­ing for Stage & Broad­cast at RCSSD, and com­pleted pro­duc­tion roles on fea­ture films: One Life (2022) for See-Saw Films and We Live in Time (2023) for SunnyMarch.

