
Felice Götze


Felice Götze is a storyteller and film­maker focus­ing on crime and gritty drama. He star­ted his pro­fes­sion­al career as a journ­al­ist in the boom­ing elec­tron­ic music scene of the nineties. A brief stint in invest­ment bank­ing fol­lowed, before Felice came back to his senses and pur­sued a career in the film & TV industry. After fin­ish­ing his stud­ies at HFF Munich with two suc­cess­ful short films, he worked – as writer or dir­ect­or – for estab­lished Ger­man crime formats like TATORT or SOKO 5113. Felice then cre­ated the suc­cess­ful Franco-Ger­man prime time thrill­er series, ÜBER DIE GREN­ZE (BOR­DER­LAND) for ARD. After fin­ish­ing the Seri­al Eyes pro­gramme he became head writer for LEG­AL AFFAIRS (8x45), a new high end leg­al show fea­tur­ing Lavin­ia Wilson (Deutsch­land 86/ The Bil­lion Dol­lar Code) as a feisty media law­yer. LEG­AL AFFAIRS will air in late 2021 on ARD.

Recent Credits:

  • Legal Affairs, head writer, UFA Fiction, RBB/ARD Degeto, Germany
  • Über die Grenze, creator, Polyphon Südwest, SWR/ARD Degeto, Germany
  • Tatort Bremen “Die Wiederkehr”, original screenplay, Bremedia/ARD, Germany


German, English
