Gesa Schreib­n­er


Gesa Scheib­n­er is a screen­writer for TV and Cinema, based in Ber­lin. She stud­ied Screen­writ­ing at the dffb while work­ing for Ger­man Daily Dra­mas. Her screen­play The Awaken­ing of Sleep­ing Beauty won the prize for best screen­play at the Seh­süchte Filmvestiv­al. Cur­rently Gesa is work­ing on movie pro­jects for DCM Pic­tues and Sam­Flm GmbH and a com­edy series for Let­ter­box Production.

Recent Credits:

  • Wenn alle Stricke Reißen, writer, DCM Pictures, Germany
  • Familienfeste, writer, Letterbox Production, Germany


German, English, Spanish, French
