
Léa Lespagn­ol


After a mas­ter in screen­writ­ing, Léa worked a few years as an event man­ager in the cul­tur­al world. In 2015, she co-cre­ated a web series for Stu­dio 4 before work­ing as a scriptwriter on dif­fer­ent anim­a­tion series, in French and Eng­lish, broad­cas­ted on Dis­ney Chan­nel, Canal+ and Car­toon Net­work amongst oth­ers. Anim­a­tion cor­res­ponds to her taste for com­edy and cre­at­ive­ness but she also devel­ops per­son­al live pro­jects, one of which recently received a grant from the CNC.