
Lukáš Sig­mund


Lukáš was born in Brat­is­lava, where he also gradu­ated in Screen­writ­ing at the Academy of Per­form­ing Arts. He has writ­ten screen­plays for anim­ated and doc­u­ment­ary short films and is an author of pas­tiche plays for a loc­al theatre. He worked as copy edit­or and pro­gram­mer for Fest Anča Inter­na­tion­al Anim­a­tion Fest­iv­al, where he also cur­ated an off-com­pet­i­tion pro­gram ded­ic­ated to exper­i­ment­al anim­a­tion. As a screen­writer, Lukáš has worked for Slov­ak pub­lic and private broad­casters on doc­u­ment­ary, daily drama and com­edy TV series. He co-wrote a screen­play for a com­edy fea­ture film Villa Lucia and has a com­edy TV min­iser­ies in devel­op­ment. Since he was grow­ing in the 1990s in Slov­akia, his interests have always shif­ted towards sci-fi and social dysto­pia genres, with a twist of exper­i­ment­al narratives.