Luke Frank­lin

Development Producer (UK)

Luke is a pro­du­cer at Yel­low Bird UK, where he works across the devel­op­ment slate and in pro­duc­tion, with both estab­lished and emer­ging writers.

Pre­vi­ously, Luke worked at Frank Spotnitz’s Big Light Pro­duc­tions, on The Man In The High Castle and two sea­sons of Ransom, a CBS pro­ced­ur­al about a team of host­age negotiators.

Luke star­ted his career read­ing for London’s new writ­ing Soho and Bush theatres, then script edited at ITV, before join­ing Mam­moth Screen as head of development.

Most recently Luke was devel­op­ment pro­du­cer on two sea­sons of Young Wal­lander for Netflix.