Mandi Riggi

United Kingdom/US

Mandi Riggi’s TV pilot, Peac­ex­Piece was optioned and developed at the Show­time Net­work. Her fea­ture debut Mercy star­ring F. Mur­ray Abra­ham, was selec­ted into Toronto Film Festival’s IFF pro­gram, par­ti­cip­ated at Film London’s PFM, and at the MIA Co-Pro­duc­tion Mar­ket in Rome. Mandi’s TV series Alex in Won­der­land, was one of 16 selec­ted into MIA Market’s Drama Pitch Series. Mandi’s short film Spade star­ring Jorge Gar­cia, premiered at the Katra Film Series and won the Katra award. Her film, Par­al­lel Pas­sage, was nom­in­ated Best Short at the Deau­ville Fest­iv­al of Amer­ic­an Cinema and traveled 13 inter­na­tion­al film fest­ivals includ­ing Hamp­tons, New­port Beach, Sao Paulo. Mandi’s anim­ated script, Shoe In was a final­ist at the Fant­ast­ic Plan­et fest­iv­al in Aus­tralia. Her screen­play, Before You Say Good­bye, was selec­ted into the FIND Pro­du­cers Lab. Most recently Mandi’s fea­ture film Five Storeys Under­ground par­ti­cip­ated in Film London’s PFM. Mandi was nom­in­ated by B3 Media to par­ti­cip­ate in the 2021 Rot­ter­dam Pro­du­cers Lab. Mandi is also a play­wright and dir­ects for the stage. Her play Levit­i­c­us premiered at Edin­burgh Fringe and 59e59 Theatre (NY). Her play Mercy, will première at London’s Park Theatre in 2022.