Nir Ber­ger


Nir Ber­ger is an Israeli screen­writer, showrun­ner and dir­ect­or. Gradu­ate with hon­ors from the Tel Aviv Uni­ver­sity Film School and the exclus­ive European screen­writers’ pro­gram, Seri­al Eyes. Recent not­able works include the hit dram­edy series Dis­missed (“HaMe­fak­e­det”) – win­ner of 18 Israeli TV Academy Awards for its first two sea­sons (includ­ing two-time wins for best screen­play and best dram­edy series) and the pub­lic broadcaster’s most-watched drama series of 2021, recently renewed for a 3rd sea­son; the award-win­ning anim­ated web series Dead End (Slam­dance 2021); and the award-win­ning short film Touch (Palm Springs Short­Fest 2020). He has also served as a writer on sev­er­al series, includ­ing the highly regarded sketch show The Jews Are Com­ing – win­ner of the 2021 Israeli TV Academy Awards for best writ­ing.
More inform­a­tion & view­ing links at nirber​ger​.net


2021-2024 / Dis­missed (HaMe­fak­e­det) / Co-Cre­at­or, Co-Writer
Dram­edy Series / KAN Israeli Pub­lic Broad­cast Corporation

2020–2021 / The Jews Are Com­ing (HaYe­hudim Baim) / Staff Writer, Sea­sons 4–5 Satire Sketch Series / KAN Israeli Pub­lic Broad­cast Corporation

2019 / Dead End (Sof HaDerech) / Cre­at­or, Co-Writer, Dir­ect­or
Anim­ated Com­edy Web Series / KAN Israeli Pub­lic Broad­cast Corporation

2019 / Touch / Writer, Dir­ect­or
Short Film

2019 / Crowded (Tsafuf) / Staff Writer, Sea­sons 3–4
Fam­ily Sit­com / Zoom

2019 / Lost in the Square (Avudim BaRIbua) / Head Writer, Sea­son 2 Edu­ca­tion­al Sketch Show / KAN Israeli Pub­lic Broad­cast Corporation

2018 / Under the Skin (Mit­achat LaOr) / Staff Writer, Sea­son 1 
Edu­ca­tion­al Sketch Show / KAN Israeli Pub­lic Broad­cast Corporation

2017 / The Big Noth­ing (HaKlum HaGadol) / Cre­at­or, Head Writer, Dir­ect­or
Sci-Fi Teen Com­edy Series / Yes Kidz

2014–2016 / Con­tacts (Sihot Yot­sot) / Co-Cre­at­or, Co-Writer, Co-Dir­ect­or
Satir­ic­al Web Series