Rafael Alberto Garciolo


After gradu­at­ing from high school, Rafael became an avid col­lect­or of film school rejec­tions. Once he had them all, it was time to pur­sue oth­er goals in life. Years of extens­ive soul-search­ing and occa­sion­al for­ays into semi-pro­fes­sion­al screen­writ­ing fol­lowed, until he was hired to write inde­pend­ent Ger­man action com­edy PLAN B – SCHE­ISS AUF PLAN A, which even­tu­ally got picked up by 20th Cen­tury Fox for cine­mat­ic release. Since then, Rafael has been work­ing on a vari­ety of pro­jects, the latest being com­edy web series FOOD-BALLS – FRESH, HOT & KNUSPRIG.