
Sára Zeitham­mer­ová

Czech Republic

Sára Zeitham­mer­ová is a screen­writer based in Prague. She gradu­ated with a degree in inter­cul­tur­al com­mu­nic­a­tion from the Fac­ulty of Arts, Charles Uni­ver­sity and with a degree in screen­writ­ing and dram­at­urgy from the Film and TV School of the Academy of Per­form­ing Arts in Prague.

Focus­ing mostly on tele­vi­sion pro­jects, her debut series Five Years, detail­ing the con­sequences of a rape accus­a­tion, premiered on Czech Tele­vi­sion in Septem­ber 2022. Her fea­ture film debut, a reli­gious body hor­ror The Abor­tion­ist, is cur­rently being developed by Bio­naut Films.